Precision Digital Water & Wastewater Instrumentation Solutions

« Precision Digital Water & Wastewater Instrumentation Solutions

Uploaded: December 21, 2020

In this webinar, You will learn how your colleagues in the water and wastewater industry have used Precision Digital products to optimize their operations. You will see actual pictures of Precision Digital displays and controllers being utilized in water & wastewater facilities. The webinar will cover several success stories found in such applications as level measurement, open channel flow, influent flow, turbidity displays, pump speed, and more. You will discover new ways to increase productivity and enhance the capabilities of your water and wastewater applications with Precision Digital meters and controllers. For instance, using the PDW30 point-to-point system to wirelessly bridge a 4-20 mA signal or using the PD9000 ConsoliDator+ for monitoring multiple tanks and controlling multiple pumps.